New! Comes standard with the HydraClutch™ pump clutch. -- Perfect for water damage restoration. Finally, you don’t have to put up with barely adequate performance to get an affordable entry-level machine. The Boxxer 318 takes the entry level truckmount to new heights. It’s perfect for operators who want to tackle residential and light commercial cleaning without making a major investment. The Boxxer 318’s heat and pressure pack a big punch and you can rely on it to continue running for a long, long time.
- New! Comes standard with the HydraClutch™ pump clutch.
- Affordable, high performance
- Cleans carpet, upholstery, tile and other hard surfaces
- Heats water up to 215º F
- Adjustable pressure to 1,000 psi
- Compact size fits any light duty van or trailer
- Quicker drying times
- Subcategory: Slide In
- Dimensions: 24"W x 31"H x 36"D
- Weight: 570 lbs
- Engine: 18 HP Briggs & Stratton™ V-Twin Vanguard™ industrial series engine
- Ignition: Electric key start
- Vacuum Blower: Competitor® SL 3006 blower, low vibration, pulsation and sound reduced, dual oil bath lubrication, no grease fittings, durable helical gear drive
- Pump: 3.5 gpm plunger pump, 1,000 operating psi with HydraClutch™
- Max Temp: 215º F
- Chemical System: Stainless steel last-step chemical injection, meter controlled
- Heating System: Finned tube heat exchanger
- Recovery Tank: 65 gallon MaxxAir™ recovery tank
- Solution Hose Length: 100 ft x 1/4"
- Vacuum Hose Length: 100 ft x 2"
- Wand Capacity: Single
- Fuel Consumption: 1.0 gph
- Uses: Residential and Light Commercial
- Runtime hour meter
- Chemical flow meter (0-10 gph)
- Chemical flow control valve
- Vacuum gauge (0-30" Hg)
- Solution pressure gauge (0-1,500 psi)
- Solution pressure adjustment
- Pre-wired pump-in switch
- Pre-wired APO Switch
- Fresh water inlet
- Water system drain valve
- One carpet cleaning wand
- Engine choke
- Engine throttle
- Electrical circuit protection (resettable)
- Solution temperature control selector
- 5 gallon chemical jug
- Battery box
- Van decal
- Van installation kit
- Operation and maintenance manual (CD)
- 70 gallon sub-mount rotationally molded fresh water tank
- 85 gallon rotomolded fresh water tank
- Dura-Flow™ APO
- RX-20 Rotary Extractor
- 65 gallon MaxxAir™ recovery tank